Each year, the Writing Intensive Program serves approximately 6000 undergraduates in writing-intensive courses in a variety of disciplines, including art history, sociology, geology, mathematics, and all of the introductory biology labs. Students consistently have reported that their experience with The Writing Intensive Program

  • strengthened their writing skills;
  • built their confidence in the writing process;
  • forced a deeper engagement in course reading, discussions, and assignments;
  • taught them the writing conventions of their discipline;
  • heightened their critical thinking skills; and
  • prepared them for writing in other courses and future goals, such as graduate school or career-related work.

What Students Say

“[Writing] increased my satisfaction with the course. The writing challenged me and drove me to engage.”

Spring 2023

“Though it was rigorous, every writing assignment was well-designed and very helpful to understanding curriculum design and made me excited for my career path.”

Fall 2022

“I came to UGA hoping to learn more in the environmental consulting field. WIP made transferring worth it.”

Fall 2022

“I really loved that the course wasn’t completely ‘score’-based: it didn’t reduce my efforts as a student to simple letter grades, scores, etc. even though my writing wasn’t perfect. Instead, the feedback that I got helped to improve my writing, increased my confidence, and allowed me to focus on the material over my grade in the course. All courses should be designed more in this way—school is to help students learn, not to punish them for lack of knowledge!”

Spring 2021

“The writing element helped me grow as a writer throughout this course this semester, and without the writing aspect I don’t think I would have learned or retained as much information from this class as I have.”

Fall 2020

“The writing assignments pushed me to think critically and really understand the content.”

Spring 2020

“Thanks to this class, I can write plainly, clearly, thoroughly, and quickly. This will serve me for the rest of my life.”

Fall 2019

“No better way to learn than to write about the material.”

Spring 2019

“I felt that the paper strengthened my education more than anything else I have done this semester across my academics.”

Fall 2018

“I feel like I got more out of the course because of the writing.”

Spring 2018

“I am a better writing, scholar and thinker now.”

Fall 2017

“Overall, the writing element kept me engaged and actively thinking about the subject material and its implications.”

Spring 2017

“I was overall satisfied with the course mainly because of the writing. It helped me with being more active in class and helped me better understand the course material.”

Fall 2016

Student Feedback Reports Archive